Thursday, 4 June 2009

Delete existing Variables

To delete one or multiple variable(s) from your data file, through syntax, use the following command:


This command takes effect immediately. It does not read the active dataset or execute pending transformations. See Command Order for more information.

DElETE VARIABLES varX varY thisVar TO thatVar.

Real Example:

DELETE VARIABLES Field2 Field1 MS Language Code Query Query_Code Referred_to
Remarks Source Occupation.

RENAME VARIABLES (tm6 = Field2)(tm5 = Field1)(tm3 = MS)(tm4 = Language)(tm10
= Code)(tm1 = Query)(tm11 = Query_Code)(tm9 = Referred_to)(tm2 =
Remarks)(tm7 = Source)(tm8 = Occupation)(tm12 = Card).